Git Streak
So, if you’ve ever visited my GitHub profile, you might notice that I have a fairly solid streak going. As of today, it’s 120 days in a row (the start was Day 1 of App Academy).
But, what does it all mean? If it means anything at all…
From my thoughts, there are probably a few different reactions to the streak:
- Wow, nice commit streak
- He’s just committing to commit at this point (no substance)
- I don’t care, I just want to see a specific repo
As you can see, I know most people probably don’t care about commit history. And, obviously, you can’t tell how good a programmer is based off their commit streak. To be honest, lately, I’ve been pushing some pretty soft (read crap) commits: updating READMEs, styling, fix typos. It’s mostly meaningless – just fluff.
If I know it’s fluff, why do I keep doing it?
I have no idea. It’s just an obsessive thing at this point. I see that non-green screen and think, “I should push something”. And, usually, I’ll find a little task on one of my old projects and push it. However, sometimes, I find out that that old project actually has something interesting, and the next day, I’ll easily have something to push. And those pushes aren’t just fluff, it’s me coding something substantial – it could adding a new feature to RailsLite or refactoring code from Rails app. You get the picture.
So yeah, committing to commit isn’t that great, but if I didn’t do it, I’d be missing out on a bunch little projects.
tl;dr Git commit streak is pretty superficial but I still get a lot out of it