It’s been awhile but I’ve finally made another page for Dublin Donut. This time the focus is on sitting disease.

I first came across the notion of sitting disease when a co-worker forwarded me an article from the Washington Post nearly a year ago. Honestly, I didn’t take it seriously, as the drawing of the man in the article made me laugh, but some good came out of it. Instead of sitting all day, I would stand up every couple hours, proclaim that I was “fighting sitting disease,” and proceed to work standing up for an hour. It was all a big joke in my mind.


He looks kind of weird right?

However, the biggest joke was on me for ironically getting into a good habit of standing up every now and then. Here’s the train of thought that turned me:

Daily Routine

  • Time I spend sleeping per day: 8 hours
  • Time I spend working out: 1 hour
  • Time I spend sitting at work: 10 hours
  • Time I spend in the car, sitting: 1 hour
  • Time I spend sitting when I get home from work: 4 hours

These numbers are not exact but I paints a frightening picture. As someone that considers themselves fairly active, I am actually not active at all. In fact, I spend an overwhelming majority of every day of my life sedentary.

How Did I Get to Be So Lazy

So, to encourage myself to stand a bit more while working, I made a simple standing/sitting tracker. Check it out here or here! Hopefully it will encourage you to stand up and “fight sitting disease…”

  • Walter