IoT: Temperature Logging
Here’s the latest with my Raspberry Pi:
I bought a few digital temperature sensors a couple weeks ago and finally got around to installing them this weekend. I had grand plans for a temperature logger hosted on a web app. However, not everything goes as planned. Initially, I wired the temperature sensors backwards and immediately destroyed the device. Fortunately, I bought two in case something like this happened, though I almost did the same with my backup sensor.
After some online tutorial-ing I got the temperature sensor to register with my Pi. Then, I wrote a couple scripts in Ruby and Python to read the temperature and log the info into an sqlite3 database.
But again, not everything goes as planned — I got really lazy and didn’t want to make a web app for the data. So, instead of actually using my database as intended, I looked up the API streamed my temperature data. Take a look!
Check out the source code on GitHub:
- Walter